Americans Increasingly Worried, Frustrated with Country but Remain Confident in Civil Justice System, According to RebuttalPR Survey

Americans today are increasingly worried (64%), frustrated (68%), uncertain (49%), and angry (41%) with the state of our country, all of which constitute a significant increase from the same survey question in 2022. Despite this prevailing pessimism, the majority of Americans remain confident in the civil justice system, with 59% believing the system is right at least half the time in determining liability and adequately compensating for damages.

These findings are part of RebuttalPR’s “Americans' Views on the Civil Justice System 2023 Edition” which examined American’s attitudes toward the civil justice system, plaintiffs attorneys, corporate responsibility, and today’s media landscape. The national poll, conducted for the second straight year, provides insights on how Americans across the political spectrum view issues most relevant to the trial bar in terms of how cases are perceived by jurors and how attorneys can best reach injured people who are seeking representation. The full results can be found here.

Raymond DeLorenzi